Sunday, September 18, 2011

Little Blessings

I know that children are blessings from God. I have four of them and they are incredible! Sometimes though they are an incredible challenge. In those challenging moments with my children, it is hard to remember to be thankful for them and the blessing that they are. Because of this, I decided to think about each of my children that God has given me and look closely at what God really gave us when he added that child to our family.

When He gave us our first child, Morgan, he gave us responsibility, routine, amazement, self-reflection, sweetness, and consistency. What a lot of things to add in to our lives! With Connor came strength, honesty, creativity, playfulness, and an unquestioning love for God. Meara brought us laughter, unexpected surprises, more hugs and kisses than we could have ever imagined, and overflowing joy. Then came Kyla. She brought wonder into our lives just when we thought we had everything figured out. She added abundant energy and activity and, amazingly enough, more laughter.

Looking at this list, I see how full our lives are. Each child really is a blessing from God. The next time I am cleaning poop off of the floor, telling them the third time to do something, breaking up an argument, or fixing another scraped knee, I will remember to thank God for my blessings.