Thursday, January 17, 2013

Find iPhone

Do you know that frantic feeling when you can't find your cell phone? You retrace your steps, look under furniture, dig through your pockets and purse, and you still cannot find it. This scenario happens way too often in our household mostly played out by myself. It reminds me of some stories in the Bible. For example the parable of the lost sheep or the parable of the lost coin. I think if Jesus had lived today and was telling a parable about the lost sheep it might be about the lost cell phone instead.

Since the garden when Adam and Eve sinned and hid from God, God has been searching for us. Beth Moore said, "God wired us to look for Him because He is pursuing us continually." I love that! Just like I pursue my phone using the awesome Find iPhone app that makes my phone beep for me until I find it--God is pursuing me. I am seeking God but He loved me first. God has done everything that He can to find me and have fellowship with me. He created an "app" that connects us continually. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. He is pursuing me and has found me. All I have to do now is jump into His open arms and remember to stay there daily.

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