Our kids are memorizing a Bible sound off for school and we are studying Genesis right now. Here is the statement that they have memorized (even Meara my 4 year old). "God is Elohim, the mighty God, who created everything from nothing. When he speaks, things happen just as he says." Wow!
The creation story is one that many of us have heard and read for many years. We know that God created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th. It's so easy to read this story about God creating light and separating light from the darkness, then God creating land and sea, and so forth but have you really ever thought about all that God created in that one spoken word? Think about when we study chemistry and learn about all of the atoms that make up everything. Think about the molecules and how they are different in solid, liquid, and gas forms...It would take me a lifetime to try to understand it all and I still wouldn't get everything! Yet, God is so mighty, that in one spoken word he created everything from nothing. When He said, "Let there be light" God created white light which is made up of all the other colors of light. When He created the moon, sun, and stars--just think about what they actually are! All the details that make our world work the way it does, He created in just 6 days.
I can't begin to comprehend a God who can create so much perfect detail in one spoken word. I don't even know how to explain the wonder and awe that I feel at the overwhelming thought of it all. Yet, this mighty God, Elohim, who created the whole detailed world, created every detail of me. This mighty God, Elohim, loves me. This mighty God, Elohim, died for me. Wow!
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