Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tiffany's Tuesday Tip

We have a squeaky bedroom door, a new baby sleeping in our bedroom, three other children, and two cats. Add those four together and...well, it's not a pretty picture.

When one of our kids has gotten out of bed in the middle of the night, I know it because our door squeaks as they try to quietly sneak into our room. (When it's not one of the cats going in or out.) Yes, it's nice to know a kid is coming in ahead of time instead of waking up to that staring face and wondering how long they've been watching you sleep but I am definitely tired of the squeak! I will gladly put up with being tapped on, whispered to, jiggled about, or just climbed onto while sleeping just to be rid of the squeaky door.

In the past I used WD-40 on it and it stunk up the house and stopped squeaking for awhile but the squeak has returned. So the other day I remembered a Hallmark movie that I had watched--yes, you heard me right--a Hallmark movie. In it, the main character was a woman who hosted a TV show sort of like a Martha Stuart thing in which she gives her viewers tips on how to do different household projects and all that kind of stuff. She also solved mysteries on the side which is what the movie was really about. Anyway, she was in the airport and a luggage cart had a squeaky wheel. She pulled out a small spray bottle out of her purse and said it was olive oil and sprayed it on the wheels. The squeaking, of course, immediately stopped. It's a movie, right? Of course it worked!

Well, I was desparate for a solution and couldn't find my WD-40 so I tried it. I put some olive oil on a cotton pad and rubbed it on the hinges of my door and it worked! Plus, it didn't stink up my house with an awful smell. So, if you have a squeaky door or wheel try some olive oil rather than running to Walmart to get that stinky stuff. Thank you, Hallmark!


  1. Great idea! I wonder if it works on squeaky doorknobs! I'll have to try it out!

  2. Ooh! I'm headed to the bathroom door with our olive oil- that's the one that squeaks at our house! And since it's just the one bathroom here amongst the many that require that type of facility, you can bet it squeaks all day long. Fun blog, Tiffany! Who doesn't love a hobby that requires no clean up?!
